The packaging industry in India is in the midst of an interesting evolution. There are several underlying reasons catalyzing new trends and developments in the packaging industry. Our lifestyles have become increasingly busy, for one. There is also a perceptible demographic shift in the population. The Indian consumer, particularly the upwardly-mobile urban populace, is showing a marked preference for convenience goods as they fit in with her modern lifestyle. With the median age of Indian population currently at 26.7 years, India has the world’s largest youth population, which is eager to try out new ideas, products and markets. India’s packaging industry – expected to reach USD 32 billion by 2020 — has an important role to play when it comes to meeting the needs and aspirations of the young generation of customers. This youthful demographic is looking for the ease-of-use and pick-and-move packaging attributes when buying products, which they are doing more often now than ever b...